Things That Make You Go Hmm?

From The RampartsJunious Ricardo StantonThings That Make You Go Hmmm?“WASHINGTON, Jan 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate voiced strong support on Thursday for Israel's battle against Hamas militants in Gaza, while urging a ceasefire that would prevent Hamas from launching any more rockets into Israel. The chamber agreed on a voice vote to the non-binding resolution co-sponsored by Democratic and Republican party leaders in the chamber.” is only a few days old and crisis and war are making the headlines. Israel launched a massive “shock and awe” type blitz on an essentially defenseless Gaza strip. It was very similar to the military campaign the United states launched against Iraq in 2003. In fact just like the US sanctions against Iraq had weakened Iraq and the US and British daily bombings had destroyed Iraq’s military capabilities and infrastructure, the Israeli tactics of denying aid, cutting off supplies, water and electricity have rendered Gaza defenseless. Birds of a feather. Given the massive lobbying efforts of Israel in the past and on the newly sworn in 111th Congress is anyone surprised the US Senate voted Thursday to support Israel’s war crimes against innocent civilians, under the pretext of “self defense”? Just like the US invaded Iraq using the pretext of WMD and an imminent threat to the US and its allies, the Israelis who employ advanced Western technology and US made and provided weaponry are claiming dirt poor Palestinians (who in desperate response to ruthless Israeli oppression, fire primitive tube “rockets” at their oppressors) who have no army navy or military infrastructure pose an “existential threat” to Israel.We’ve sen this all before. When the Europeans left Europe in the 1500's to begin their spree of pillage, plunder and rape, they claimed they were spreading Christianity and civilization to the heathen every where they set foot on planet earth. Yet everywhere they went death disruption and the degradation of the indigenous people resulted. To add insult to injury, present day Israelis are neither genetic nor cultural descendants of the ancient Hebrews. They are Europeans, Khazars originally from eastern Europe and Eurasia. Their assault on Palestine is the continuation of a centuries old pattern of invasion and rapine by whites. The question is will the people of the world fall for the media and PR okey-doke the corporatist media is putting down on behalf of Israel?* * *The PR team for Barack Obama likes to say how much Obama likens himself to Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, two presidents who came into office facing crises never before experienced in the US, a War Between the States (war is never civil) and the Great Depression. It remains to be seen just how valid these comparisons are. To date the corporate media has been kind to Obama making him appear “presidential” while exposing sitting president George W. Bu$h as missing in action, deluding himself he can salvage his legacy or that he has any credibility left amidst subterranean domestic and global approval ratings.Quiet as its kept, Abraham Lincoln is best known for ending the war between the states through a PR sham called the Emancipation Proclamation which supposedly freed Africans in bondage that really weren’t under his jurisdiction (the states that had left the Union to form their own country and government) in the first place. Lincoln actually had no authority to meddle in the internal affairs of the Confederacy which was a separate nation unto itself. It was a PR trick something to give the Union a moral edge in world opinion because Britain which had ended the slave trade was planning to enter the war on the side of the Confederacy. Lincoln thought his PR gambit would cause the British to rethink their position or at lease regroup so he could buy time to find allies and funding of his own. It worked.Lincoln also hastened the end of the war by finally allowing Africans in America to join and fight in the Union Army. This enthusiastic infusion of manpower into a very unpopular war (draft riots were common throughout the North) helped turn the tide in the Union’s favor. Does this mean Barack Obama will emulate Lincoln as a BS artist Commander in Chief? Hmm?While FDR did institute “the New Deal” social safety net and regulatory programs many historians feel helped calm the masses and save the US from major social upheaval or turning to communism during the depression; these programs by themselves did not end the depression. Nor did they turn the economy around. In fact the ruling elites, people like the du Ponts, the Morgan and Rockefeller banking interests and other leading industrialists were so dissatisfied with Roosevelt, they plotted a coup against him. George W Bu$h’ grandfather Prescott Bu$h was also involved in the coup attempt. It wasn’t until Roosevelt maneuvered the US into WW II that the ruling elites backed off his case. Check out, The Plot Against FDR: A Model For Bush's `Chile Model' Today by William F. Wertz, Jr. at or read American Liberty League and the Plot Against FDR at for full details of this little known part of AmeriKKKan history.Of course none of the super rich plotters were even arrested or spent one day in jail, and the coup was subsequently swept under the rug. Only the mobilization for war and the US entering WWII turned the troubled AmeriKKKan economy around. If Obama likens himself to FDR does that mean he is planning to institute massive new government social programs that will raise the federal debt trillions of dollars and start or expand a war to boost the AmeriKKKan economy like Roosevelt did? Is the media setting us up psychologically for this?More food for thought in 2009.-30-
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