This executive order process reminds me of the process of how the Emancipation Proclamation was done! There were no negotiations between the enlavers and the enslaved!! The result then was that we were so-called freed, dead broke without brick, bread or thread, and with no choice but to stay "unfree" notwithstanding the 13th Amendment!! With this MEO our demand for reparations in our life time will be permanently restricted to an advisory role under the four layers of governance and control by the federal goverment. Read it, and tell me whether not this isn't so!! The drafter(s) and deal cutter(s) of this document when responding to my opposition and position can only provide anecdotal disagreement because the clear language stands on its own! If you read it, do some courageous questioning of the represenatives to and of the National African-American Reparations Commission (NAARC). You can find their names at As always, let me know.

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