As a former national staff member to Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr and a 40 year civil rights activist, leaders like Jackson, Sharpton and others are FOREVER placed in a "damned if you show up and damned if you don't show up" reality. Certain Oklahoma residents do NOT want to be reminded with Jackson's media attention that this current racial shootings is in the same Tulsa city that 91 years ago (May 31, 1921) burned to the ground the Black Wall Street community that included 600 Black owned and operated businesses and elders say 3,000 Black residents died. THEN if he, Sharpton, and other national leaders do NOT show up, then they are cursed by their core Black base as not being responsive to their call. It wasnt Jesse Jackson or anyone else who shot and killed these recent Black victims and it wasnt any national Black leader who initiated the race Riot in Tulsa 91 year ago, but Blame Jackson and Sharpton or for that fact, go and curse the local residents and leaders who invited them in the first place ! But I guess I would like to know what Tulsa did in these past 91 years to restore the Black owned and operated businesses that were restored? I heard the last building that survived the 1921 Race Riots almost closed for lack of funding!! Surely dont want Jackson, Sharpton and all to bring new national attention on the failure of Tulsa in 91 years to properly restore the community that was destroyed.