When will it end? I'm talking about America’s full-court media pressure to have President Obama to reject everything with a Black context with links to the horrific one-way relationship of enslavement – master and slave. The selection of a church-home for a president’s family has never been under such public pressure.The media and the body-politic of America is forcing Obama to be a post-racial symbol, without embracing and engaging what it would actually cost to be post-racial, i.e., a)America’s apology for codifying Blacks as less than human in its Constitution, b) pledging an oath to never allow chattel slavery to happen again, and c) a reparations accord with direct input from Blacks – unlike what happened with the Emancipation Proclamation,which Blacks were not allowed to define their “freedom”— to set forth the terms and conditions of the accord and the provision of resources that will be necessary to repair the damage done to Blacks for centuries and generations chattel slavery and its inextricable terror.Will Obama’s selection of a church-home back-fire on the notion of a post-racial America? It will, because the proponents are trying to make it happen on the cheap without paying the price of reconciliation. Moreover, because selecting a Black church home, for a Black family, is the very essence of freedom of religion.
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  • Chicago-Midwest
    PK and TK
    My dad is also a professor of English and media communications.
    I have a special relationship with words.

    Theology is a philosophical study in the nature of God and /or a school of philosophy that teaches others to dictate religious practices.
    Religious: to practice consistently in order to re-align or attach one's self to one's practiced beliefs (religion).

    If there is only one true God, and we are all gods, then there is only one church, the language and coda may be adjusted to fit physical environment, but other than that, a faith system should be uniform across its diaspora.

    It's like saying different parts of the body exists separately from the whole and require a different energy source.

    Any doctrine that fails to teach or teaches differently than the source it claims to be it's foundation is therefore inherently sacrilegious and false. This should be a time to unify the church and not generate more divisions by kowtowing to a man. Each house should welcome him and every person that walks through their doors as if Jesus or a prophet were coming to dine. Instead whores, prepare holy men for their deaths.

    Where a man choses to commune with believers should be a matter of content, convince and courtesy. Not politics or economics.

    I've been invited to leave three churches in two denominations for posing the same question.

    I admit my heresy, but I will not denounce my faith.
  • Ulysses,the PK...

    Well, I'm not a PK, but an ordained minister, and ever since had to work very hard to keep my inherent/inherited spirituality... the struggle continues under the onslaught of "false," "external" and "imposed" theology!

    Ulysses, lets continue down this critical path of true theology versus false theology. Since you opened the door to this comparative point, for you, what is true theology, what is false theology, and where do you place "Black" Theology. To keep this simple, I suggest you start with defining "theology" and then distinguish true, false , and Black theology. Let's see where this leads our understanding, ok?

    Ari, your Brother
  • Chicago-Midwest
    Well being the son, grandchild and great great grandchild of "Black" ministers, I've worked hard to keep my spirituality as far away from my politics as possible.

    A "Black Theology" that's different from a true theology would have to be a false theology.

    But politically and socially I get the point.
  • Ulysses,

    If The Presidnet doesn't choose a Black church as is home church, It will not make any tangible change in our kept environments short-term, however, it will change the way many of us will look, and think about, the rightness of "Black Theology." In so doing many of us will lead our children to be baptised, as were our Ancestors, as slaves, before entering "the spiritual door of no return!" Once the symbolism/code of rejections is given, "chattel slavery" and the “system of enslavement” defined by Orlando Patterson (Slavery and Social Death, 1982) as the “the permanent, violent domination of natally alienated and generally dishonored persons," will be closer than it appears.

    On the other hand, if The President decides on a Black church, it will help rebuild the damage done to Black theology & worship during the recent presidential campaigns. I have a vested interest in the latter spiritual change, and other African-Americans should too. With this change African-Americans will have, once again, the wherewithal to avoid being complicit in natally alienating children. Either way, a major symbolic and spirftual change will manifest over space, time, and self! I hope I have added to your understanding.
    What do you know now?
  • Chicago-Midwest
    There has never been a President with more media exposure or individual influence on African American's emotional lives.
    The world wants to know what he's doing and what we're going to do.
    Everybody want to know what his presence will change and on every level.

    Let's be truthful, every black church would love to have his family make their church their home, because of the money and influence.

    And white most likely have this on the sports books in Vegas already.

    What I want to know is...
    ...what will it change?
  • Ulysses, follow these clearer directions:Go to the Washington Post Webpage for this article and the comments dated Tuesday, April 28, 2009!
  • Chicago-Midwest
  • I made this comment after reading the following article in the washinton Post:

    Quiet Prayer in D.C. Churches for Obama's Decision
    Questions of Race, Faith Fold Into One: Will He Choose Us?

    Black Churches Hope Obamas Will Worship With Them
    One of the biggest guessing games in the city's black community since the election has been where President Obama and his family will choose to go to church. Aides said the president is still researching local churches, which are hoping and campaigning to be his choice.

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    Who's Blogging» Links to this article
    By Krissah Thompson and Michelle Boorstein
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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