hetep,the following comment was posted by glen ford of the black agenda report on march 11, 2009:"President Obama has officially made George Bush's sanctions against Zimbabwe, his own. 'The White House justifies this economic aggression by claiming that Mugabe and his associates pose ‘an unusual and extraordinary threat' to American ‘foreign policy.'"in light of the commentary above, it is our duty-those of us who are able to decipher the coded language of the united snakes government-to put into layman's terms what has been stated, in order for the collective black masses to be correctly politicized, let alone, the fact, that the majority of us have been so unfortunately duped by the obama phenomenon or negro obamaism and could care less or give a damn about what takes place on the continent of afrika.it is because the black collective masses can not tell their asses from their brainstems that have been blinded by obamaism that they aren't able to see or recognize that there is no difference between the foreign policy of obama and that of bush toward the afrikan continent. when the amerikkkan government has it that "Mugabe and his associates pose ‘an unusual and extraordinary threat' to American ‘foreign policy,'" what they mean is that it is not usual for a continental afrikan leader to take an anti-imperialist stance as his people's champion, which can cause a domino affect throughout the rest of the continent, signalling a disruption of the iron-fisted grasp that the united snakes has on the vast mineral wealth of afrika, which, in turn, would threaten the existence of amerikkka as we know it, because it is understood by the powers-that-be that, whoever controls the vast mineral resources of afrika would be sitting on a goldmine of sorts and prosper as an industrialized and wealthy nation, since afrika is the richest continent on the globe in terms of mineral resources. for it is out of the ordinary for there to be a continental afrikan president, who has taken a stance against the imperialist powers-that-be, and has gotten away with it thusfar or to have lasted for a long period of time without succumbing, hence it is why the united snakes refer to the reign of robert mugabe as extrordinary.when it is mentioned that the united snakes government has labeled "sanctions against Zimbabwe," otherwise defined as "economic aggression," the collective black masses must be made to understand that that type of coded language has a two-pronged meaning or is the equivalent of a double-edged blade: 1) a method of genocide, where the innocent zimbabwean population could either starve to death, as a result of a planned hunger campaign or die from a massive disease outbreak, because of needy medicines that the united snakes pharmacuetical industry controls; and 2) an undeclared form of war on an monetary basis, in which it is hoped that there would be created an economic crisis that would trickle down to the people of zimbabwe and drive them to blame mugabe and overthrow his presidency, with the corporate-controlled united snakes media playing up a carefully planned social upheavel as one projected as a people's revolution for democracy.what it will boil down to, as the obama phenomenon wears on as a hallucinagenic mind drug in the emotional psyche of afrikans-n-amerikkka, is either the well-being of the brothas and sistars of zimbabwe, and the rest of afrika, will be sacrificed, in order to live out, what has been deemed a historical event or unprecedented achievement in the history of amerikkka, or the black collective masses will come around and stand in solidarity with their continental afrikan kin, which means that the obama phenomenon will be exposed as an illusion, by its imperialist orchestrators for the sake of the maintenance of white supremacy.uhuru!
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  • South
    it is because the black collective masses can not tell their asses from their brainstems that have been blinded by obamaism that they aren't able to see or recognize that there is no difference between the foreign policy of obama and that of bush toward the afrikan continent.

    Know something? I do not come looking for this insanity. It just that it is so impossible to avoid. So, when it is thrown out here, expect me to respond to it.

    Item: George bush spent 8 years avoiding the Palestinian crisis. Obama faced it immediately and began to deal with it within days of taking office.

    Item: Somalia went without a government for 18 years. Now, a government is sitting in Mogadishu and the opposition is actively engaged in negotiating a deal and planning elections.

    Item: Zimbabwe has formed a Government of National Unity after spending bush's term in office in one conflict after another. SADC has been allowed to provide about $1 bilion in support to Zimbabwe. IMF has re-opened credit.

    Time have not changed at all since Obama took office. It is exactly the same as it was under bush.

    "...the black collective masses will come around and stand in solidarity with their continental afrikan kin, which means that the obama phenomenon will be exposed as an illusion, by its imperialist orchestrators for the sake of the maintenance of white supremacy"

    Obama's perhaps biggest and worst mistake so far has been to name a most vile reactionary suspected racist to be his Secretary of State. The sensible people among "the balck collective" opposed her from day one if for other reason than her husband bombed an African country, Sudan, without justification. We knew how quickly the Clintons would play the "race card" to our disadavantage from long experience and observation. When did Mr. "Nat Turner" criticize anything pertaining his "white" mistress and master? Exactly right: NEVER.

    But, it is okay to beat up his fellow Africans. He knows that his brothers and sisters are going to put up with him and tolarate his foolishness. Besides, he might get some small reward if somehow he can hurt the best presidency that this country has seen in a lifetime.

    Having said that, Clinton's bad policy in Africa is not the end of the story. The mess being created in Afghaistan/Pakistan is a real screwup: Land war in Asia. A half million innocnet men women and children have become refugees in the last couple of days. Assume that for every war victim in a country with such strong and large family ties, there are 10 argry relatives, plus most of their close friends and neighbors. That is not less than 5 million new enemies for the USA in recent days.

    Plus, if things get really nasty, there is about 150 million Muslims in India, next door. Al-Qaeda could possibly set up camp there. And, there is another 20 million or so in China, many of them are proud and active members of Communist party. Imagine the mess this government is going to find itself in when those Muslims begin to damand an end to Chinese money financeing a war against their co-religionists next door. In fact, Islam is a major force all over Asia.

    If we use our heads a little, we would realize that the best that the USA can realistically expect in Islamic Asia is to get some kind of revenge against bin Laden. But, to kill civilians by the hundreds at a time is sure to create more enemies than friends for this country.

    There is plenty of criticism to go around. And, I commend Hendrix for thinking about the issues, a little thinking that is. But, I suggest he take a deeper and broader look at this picture. In the final analysis, I hate to say this, but the USA suimply can no longer dictate to the world, not to Asia and not to Africa. In this regards, I honestly think Obama is the best thing that could be expected top happen to this country. He is level headed even to the point of being able to keep the Clintons under control somewhat. And, he is very much aware of the world that we live in. The world is a village. So, let us urge Obama to limit his goals in Asia. The next economic collapse is likely to be far worse than the one we have now. And, the American economy simply cannot support a major land war in Asia. Cool heads need to prevail.
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