
Sometimes "Random Selection" Isn't So Random

Since the early days of my life as a RN, (BEFORE LAW) Public HN, and now as a Nurse practioner with an inner city medical group of Cuban and Haitian Africans, the stats and numbers have amazed me. i have been labeled the disbeliever by my colleagues both at the IP as well as at the medical facility.

However, where i realize and accept that it is not simply a matter of what you believe, it is more important, what we know as a people.

To this end i am going to step back in time to Tuskegee, Alabama circa 1932 and open up the well known and documented story of the Tuskegee Syphllis Study.

.So follow along and bear with me as i make an attempt to show the consistant, covert and diabolical pattern of MURDER AND NEGLECT BY the CDC (formerly the USPHS, Public Health Depts the NIH NIAAID and the entire criminal fortress surrounding the now AMA, and private european medical personnel without care for the HYPOCATIC OATH.

At the same time i will slowly weave my way around to what i will call MODERN DAY HEALTH ROULETTE', and the covert and often overt manner in which the health care and bodies of African women are chosen as targets.

TUSKEGEE 1932-1972

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study is one of the most horrendous examples of research carried out in disregard of basic ethical principles of conduct. The publicity surrounding the study was one of the major influences leading to the codification of protection for human subjects.

In 1928, the director of medical services for the Julius Rosenwald Fund, a Chicago-based charity, approached the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) to consider ways to improve the health of African Americans in the South.

At the time, the PHS had just finished a study of the prevalence of syphilis among black employees of the Delta Pine and Land Company of Mississippi. About 25% of the sample of over 2000 had tested positive for syphilis.

The PHS and the Rosenwald fund collaborated in treating these individuals. Subsequently, the treatment program was expanded to include five additional counties in the southern U.S.: Albemarle County, Virginia; Glynn County, Georgia; Macon County, Alabama; Pitt County, North Carolina; and Tipton County, Tennessee

During the set-up phase of the treatment program, the Great Depression began. The Rosenwald Fund was hit hard and had to withdraw its support. Without the Rosenwald Fund, the PHS did not have the resources to implement treatment...DID IT SAY ROSENWALD???

During this period, there was a debate occurring in health circles about possible racial variation in the effects of syphilis. Dr. Taliaferro Clark of the PHS suggested that the project could be partially "salvaged" by conducting a prospective study on the effects of untreated syphilis on living subjects. Clark's suggestion was adopted.

In the beginning stages of the project, the PHS

In the beginning stages of the project, the PHS enlisted the support of the Tuskegee Institute. Since the Tuskegee Institute had a history of service to local African Americans, its participation increased the likelihood of the "success" of the experiment. In return, Tuskegee Institute received money, training for its interns, and employment for its nurses. In addition, the PHS recruited black church leaders, community leaders, and plantation owners to encourage participation.

At the time of the project, African Americans had almost no access to medical care. For many participants, the examination by the PHS physician was the first health examination they had ever received. Along with free health examinations, food and transportation were supplied to participants. Thus, it was not difficult to recruit African American men as participants in the study. Burial stipends were used to get permission from family members to perform autopsies on study participants

While study participants received medical examinations, none were told that they were infected with syphilis. They were either not treated or were treated at a level that was judged to be insufficient to cure the disease.

Over the course of the project, PHS officials not only denied study participants treatment, but prevented other agencies from supplying treatment.

During World War II, about 50 of the study subjects were ordered by their draft boards to undergo treatment for syphilis. The PHS requested that the draft boards exclude study subjects from the requirement for treatment. The draft boards agreed.

In 1943, the PHS began to administer penicillin to patients with syphilis. Study subjects were excluded.

Beginning in 1952, the PHS began utilizing local health departments to track study participants who had left Macon County. Until the end of the study in the 1970s, local health departments worked with the PHS to keep the study subjects from receiving treatment.

The project was finally brought to a stop 1972 when Peter Buxton told the story of the Tuskegee Study to an Associated Press reporter. Buxton was a venereal disease interviewer and investigator for the PHS who had been attempting to raise the issue within the PHS since 1966. Despite his protestations, the "experiment" was still being carried out when the story appeared on the front pages of newspapers around the country.

Congressional subcommittee meetings were held in early 1973 by Senator Edward Kennedy. These resulted in a complete rewrite of the Health, Education, and Welfare regulations on working with human subjects. In the same year a $1.8 billion class action suit was filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of the study subjects. In December of 1974, the U.S. government paid $10 million in an out of court settlement.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study remains one of the most outrageous examples of disregard of basic ethical principles of conduct (not to mention violation of standards for ethical research). In 1976, historian James Jones interviewed John Heller, director of the Venereal Diseases unit of the PHS from 1943 to 1948. Among Heller's remarks were the following: "The men's status did not warrant ethical debate. They were subjects, not patients; clinical material, not sick people"

The suspicion and fear generated by the Tuskegee Syphilis Study are evident today. Community workers report mistrust of public health institutions within the African American community. Alpha Thomas of the Dallas Urban League testified before the National Commission on AIDS: "So many African American people I work with do not trust hospitals or any of the other community health care service providers because of that Tuskegee Experiment"

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), one of the country's major civil rights organizations, has been providing AIDS awareness education through a program called RACE (Reducing AIDS through Community Education). In 1990, the SCLC conducted a survey among 1056 African American Church members in five cities. They found that 34% of the respondents believed that AIDS was an artificial virus, 35% believed that AIDS is a form of genocide, and 44% believed that the government is not telling the truth about AIDS.


Now as we move forward, i will make clear that i have never believed any of the myths told by the then PHS after this was uncovered by a WHITE news reporter. Nor, do i believe any of the newest lies told by the now CDC, about thier reasons for continuously seeking out people from large inner cities, and using the majority of uneducated and elderly African desc in studies not unlike Tuskegee.

What these org do is set up shop in urban poor communities and take out adds in the community newspapers etc and advertise that they are seeking people of certain ages who are relatively healthy for medical studies

..The pay can be upwards of 2k per study over a 4-6wk period..However one must take numerous tests and jump through hoops to get a slot.

And even if selected i have learned for many, that if one does not complete the rigourous blood tests sometimes 20 within an eight hour period..they will not nbe paid for anything other than how long they are able to hangle the intrusive regimen.

Also, when something goes awry or the funder is contacted about a possible problem the org usually packs up and moves to another location under another name. unless they are under a major med institute like a few listed below.So much for transparency?

The reason why i can safely say this is because there have been lawsuits filed by my former employer in Wash DC about these issues.

Now before anyone decides to question me, i am not prejudging all studies. What i am saying is that most are not providing enough info! however, that the oneness is upon our people to ask questions.

.Moreover, we know that a poor econ play a major part in who will submit and who will ask questions..While at the same time, i realize that many of our people do not know what to ask?..Many of our people are not under the care of a physician, and as far as the health care bill Slim shady fanagled...Do not hold your breathe..Get the info and teach your family.

When there are no questions this gives the med prof room to reach into its bag of tricks..oooops sign on the dotted line?..follow me?

I love Obama, and i am not happy with the way he allowing others to run his tour of duty..and this is not negotiable..Slim shady needs to do his job..Fuck israel and all of the rest. Hillary, Billary, Bernake, Emmanuel and all of them need to be run over..and Pres needs to take control.


The book Medical Apartheid, written by Harriet Washington, a woman who became a person whom i consider a friend and colleauge, painstakingly documented with precise accuracy what has become clear when she wrote,

The science of race has always been an amalgam of logic and culture.

Washington, thoroughly documents the abuse of women slaves in Alabama and across the south by so called physicians who never attended medical school and or were mere vetenarians without training.


Sis Washington shares a story of what it was like

being a female slave in Washington DC in 1800's. She tells us of how a mulatto woman is chosen by wealthy slave buyers and ushered into a room stripped, fingered prodded and often raped. monies paid, haggling and the girl is transferred as property to her new owner to await her worst sistah Sally Hemings


Sis Washington, shares another atrocity against the female body, when she uses the story of the South African Hottentot Venus (another great book on my shelf) Saatjie Baartman, who because of a birth of nature was exploited from Africa, to Paris. In Paris, paying hordes of voyuers museum curators, medical students, professors, circus owners and other freaks, photographed, touche,d measured labia length, etc while asking personal questions of Saartjie concerning her sexual prowess?

To my estimation there is a grp who always has focused more on the genitalia than the person because even though many of our people were raped before and after purchase, they still were not considered human?

What i have always remained staunchly clear about, is the fact that it is the African mans Penis, that has so many of the former major society messed up in the head, and taking viagra.or whatever they assume will give them a bigger package? Poor unfortunate, misinformed, small penis minds...And some wonder why the world is falling apart?

is it possible some were leading with the wrong head?

FAST FORWARD: And one last look back to Tuskegee next Blog

In medical Apartheid sis Washington, goes on to map out the thinking of physicians since the time of the greek physician Galen 129c-199 who described with some envy, the size of the Africans penis vs his own and alleged that because of the Africans so called love of merriment he possessed a small brain?

i have and will always believe that there was no predominate syphllis in those men, and that the medical prof sought out via fear to inject those men with syphllis to examine the progress there of ,and use this study to treat thier own who actually had syphillis dating back to the 20's This study should have been called The affects of syphliis on white males because those are the people who had it, and because many doctors did not have a clue..Who do they turn to?

Many of those men had come from the first world war at a time when there were no rigorous tests for STD's and where

Starting with King Phillip's war in the 17th century, blacks fought and died alongside whites in an integrated environment in the North American colonies. They continued to fight in every amerikkkn war integrated with whites up until the War of 1812. They would not fight in integrated units again until the Korean War.

Truman integrated the miltary after 1948

Watever whoever, my studies in and out of med training tell me this is a Euro based disease


Since Slim shady has been in the house Africans built..medical stats have been delivered willy nilly, claiming that African women have more herpes(see above), more AIDS.

That African and spanish speaking men have more sex.

Yes, there is a conspiracy..However move over patty..i can handle u AND my man, can u handle me..Milagros is going nowhere.

This is a laugh because if we are 13% of the pop then at least 8% are women and if 4% are tested which they were not how do they know..What the GOV is doing is tyrying to get the African man out of the way, and into the arms of white women (Oh he has the other %) so that they white male can move in?..That is why the many stories about how African women cannot find good African men and that perhaps we should look outside the race? NOT!!

Are they (good African men) kidding they are all over the place!

However what is not posted or splashed across the pages of the media consistantly is HIS history of the murders, rapes, castration and overall barbaric treatment of other human beings world wide by the US GOV

The amerikkkn GOV will not slash across the pages of the NY Post, Wash Post, Boston Globe, or any of its southern rags the terror officiated against its citizens in the new millineum.

They will not tell us of the cop murders and beatings often caught on tape, or the murders of African men by cops and then called drive bys.

The amerikkkn media will not keep this on the front pages

They will not keep the jaycee haywood stories on the front page,,20346520,00.html,,20346520,00.html

or the long list of catholic priests who have been cloaked by the vatican after being accused of raping children

And as someone who was in Haiti for 9 weeks working side by side with doctors from the Caribbean they will not tell u of the military men photograped by the Cubans abusing men and women or of white men seen kidnapping children and putting them of priv jets never to be seen again

These and other issues are the reasons why i work for noone..i make the deals, i dictate my salary and its my way or no way. i am a probono atty, nurse prac and horsewoman with small place in the south where i teach young people about the horse..and get paid to operate a summer camp...
Now there will be some who will ask me if i am a racist.
Your answer next
.i love my people and more than any others..And..i draw the line with anyone who is a criminal,, common thug, does not respect women or my people and leaves me no other alt that to close my door.
On the other hand.There is no room at this time in my life for absolute forgivness for what has been done to an entire race of people worldwide.NOT!..However i am still a work in progress..
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