
A letter a day to number 10. No 692.

Tuesday 25 March 2014. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

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Dear Mr Cameron,

A society that does not care for its less fortunate members is a failing society. We are all, like it or not, one step, one accident, one turn of fate, call it what you will, away from being in a place in which we need the aid of our fellow human beings.

The social safety net includes not just care for the unemployed, the poor, the sick and disabled, but Fire, Police, Ambulance and Coastal and Inland Rescue Services, our once great NHS and A&E services, all of which variously kick in when something goes wrong. Whilst, I guess, it's reasonable to take them somewhat for granted when times are good, in a moment of misfortune their crucial role quickly impresses itself frequently making the difference between life and death.

Those who sneer and demand to know why they should pay for someone who is ill or unemployed have quite simply abandoned not just their humanity but any degree of thought or consideration.

It is just plain stupid to think that life should be a linear progression of steady growth towards prosperity and well being and that the poor are just not trying hard enough. To regard those less fortunate than oneself with sneering disdain, or outright anger, and to express snivelling jealousy at having a social safety net paid for through taxation is loathsome.

When Osborne delivered his vile speech in which he said, 'Where is the fairness, we ask, for the shift-worker, leaving home in the dark hours of the early morning, who looks up at the closed blinds of their next door neighbour sleeping off a life on benefits?' he was inciting the hatred that has now become so widespread and commonplace through the endless propaganda that pours out from you and your government and the media.

Technology should have reduced the need for work, that it has not is an epic and deliberate social failure displaying an incredible brute ignorance for life, human potential and being. The nauseating expression about the Tories being for people who want to work hard and get on is exposed for the despicable lie it is by the miserable slavery of Workfare, zero hours contracts and poverty wages with 6.7 million "working families" living below the poverty line.

The brutal reality today in Britain is misery and destitution for ever increasing numbers of people and the dumb ignorance of those who refuse to see that this is deliberate and intended just adds to the persecution of those you target in your war on the poor. — in Peasedown Saint John.

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