From The Ramparts

                 Junious Ricardo Stanton

                  Choosing Ascension over Bondage



“For our struggle is not against human opponents, but against rulers, authorities, cosmic powers in the darkness around us, and evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm.” Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians 6:12 International Standard Version


Last week we spoke about energy, frequencies, vibrations and consciousness. I said that our African ancestors had access to higher frequencies of consciousness that they said came from the CREATOR, the ancestors and the spirit world.  They regularly experienced the accessibility of the spiritual realm and they felt an obligation to reflect the principles and harmony of “as above so below” in their lives by establishing governance and institutions based upon Ma’at and judiciously maintaining them from the King down to the lowest member of society. “Maat then is the order established by Ra, the Creator, and king and commonunity are called upon by the sacred texts to preserve it, restore it and enrich it. This is the call for and establishment of a Maatian or moral culture in which Maatian thought and practice take root and thrive.” Towards A Sociology of Maatian Ethics: Literature and Context Maulana Karenga from Egypt Revisited Edited by Ivan Van Sertima page 377.

Last week I also mentioned we are facing an alien consciousness that runs counter to the DIVNE LAW of Ma’aT: Divine Order, Harmony, Balance, Truth, Justice, Righteousness and Reciprocity (respect, cooperation and mutual aid). Our ancient African ancestors called this opposition Isfet it signified: anarchy, disintegration, discord, imbalance, deceit, corruption, wickedness, and predation/exploitation. This alien consciousness is taking root in the world today and is attempting to reengineer the planet in its own image. There are men and women who are working with this energy/consciousness/intelligence to usher in a New World Order.

 Our ancient African ancestors keenly recognized a duality in creation, they recognized that within the Cosmos Ma’at was necessary and supreme but there existed the potential for Isfet because Isfet was a catalyst for change within the UNIVERSE but they had to exist in balance. For Africans being out of balance and harmony were reasons for major concern. If Isfet became paramount, disorder, violence, anarchy, deceit and immorality would rein supreme.

There were times during its history in antiquity when Isfet was supreme and KMT fell into decline, decay and disorder. Several coffin texts lament the state of moral collapse. “Though there are several terms that conceptualize the opposite value of Ma'at, the most common is ‘Isfet’, which is usually translated as ‘sin’ or ‘wrong’. The term appears as early as the Pyramid Texts. Kha-kheper-re-soneb laments that ‘Ma'at has been cast out while isfet is in the counsel chamber’, and after (or at the end of) the Amarna PeriodTutankhamun is said to have ‘drove out Isfet throughout the two lands, Ma'at being established in her place’. In chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead, the declaration of innocence begins, ‘Oh wide of movements, who comes from Heliopolis, I have not done Isfet’”. But there was always a renaissance a restoration of Ma’at until KMT eventually fell to foreign invaders and usurpers.

 Doing what was right, correct and righteous was the prime directive in African society. Did it mean Africans were perfect, of course not? This directive came from their consciousness which was rooted in recognizing the spirit world (energy, intelligence and consciousness) was the parent reality that it interpenetrated the material world and they attempted to live in harmony with it. Africans used rituals ceremonies divination and altered states of consciousness to commune with the spirit world what today’s Westerners might call other dimensions, frequencies or states of consciousness. But with the coming of foreign invaders who brought strong drink, drugs, weapons of mass destruction and an alien consciousness, KMT and all Africa eventually succumbed.

Consciousness is nothing more than a vast spectrum of energy, vibrations and intelligence that we have access to. Some might call this spectrum of intelligence/energy/frequencies other dimensions. “In the simplest sense, a dimension is a band of energy frequencies that create a ‘world.’ In this way, dimensions and energy are almost interchangeable. Different frequencies of energy create different perceptions and understandings of life, being, and reality. Therefore, energy and awareness are also inseparable — a higher plane of awareness, perception, or understanding occurs through connection to higher frequencies of energy. Quite straightforward! A dimension of reality, then, is an experience, or one might say a world, that is structured by energy and awareness. Elevated energy creates elevated awareness. Elevated awareness then creates elevated worlds of experience. (It is the same between dimensions as well as within dimensions.)” Breakthrough Physical Reality …To Your Multi-dimensional Universe

When I speak about an alien consciousness I do not mean extra terrestrial beings coming to take over our bodies and turning us into zombies like we see in so many movies and television programs. (We have to wonder and ask why this is such a pervasive theme in the mass media?) While that is possible what in my opinion is more plausible is people latching onto frequencies and vibrations within the spectrum of frequencies that are possibly diabolical. “In ‘space,’ dimensions are not stacked up or organized in a neat linear row. In actuality, all dimensions (frequency bands) exist all of the time in all places. You do not have to ‘go’ somewhere, in the physical sense, to access them. Where you ‘go’, or ‘move,’ is in your energetic frequency of perception. Ultimately, all is One and all is accessible within the Oneness. Certain dimensions are ‘closer’ vibrationally to each other, and therefore, it is easy to access them.  But the ‘distance’ is energetic, not in physical space, so to speak. Experiences of energy are different at different places on Earth, however.  It is easier to elevate your energy field at certain places and in certain circumstances. Therefore, moving between dimensions tends to be associated with some places and activities, such as sacred sites. Relaxation and open attention are more conducive to expanded awareness than narrow focus and agitation.  It should be no surprise that it is easier to be in higher plane of awareness, for most people, when meditating rather navigating city traffic.” Ibid.

Just as our African ancestors and other aboriginal FIRST WORLD PEOPLE used rituals, ceremonies, plants and herbs to achieve altered states of consciousness, others might use rituals or drugs like LSD to contact evil or demonic frequencies and energies. It is reported that some of the ruling class belong to secret organizations like Skull and Bones that engage in rituals of a perverse nature. Others have documented an organization of  Worshipers of Lucifer  who have an nefarious agenda for a New World Order. Read Jim Marrs’ book  Rule By Secrecy  published by William Morrow Co 2001 for a look at the inner workings of nefarious Western secret societies.

Energy follows thought and all creation is always an expression of consciousness. Behaviors don’t lie! A serious examination of Western values and culture focusing on behavior instead of their professed creeds will reveal Isfet permeates the Western ethos and manifests itself in the deep structural social inequities, the endemic corruption within the government, the exploitative dehumanizing nature of their economic systems (capitalism, communism and socialism), the massive deception in major segments of modern commerce (politics, advertising, PR, sales, the law, journalism etc) and social “relationships” based upon patriarchal chauvinism , violence, discord, pillage and plunder.

The ruling elites of every human society create institutions and systems based upon their own beliefs and values which flow from their consciousness and cosmology. So if they have a consciousness of Ma’at their values, culture and society will be based upon and manifest peace, justice, harmony and cooperative mutual aid. Obviously Europe and the West are not based upon Ma’at!

The global ruling class uses electromagnetic waves, frequencies and vibrations in an attempt to entrain our brains control us and even alter our DNA.

We have a choice, we can fall for the okey-doke and flim-flam of the global elites and acquiesce to their New World Order which is a reconfigured older order of Western imperialism, slavery and peonage or we can choose freedom, non-attachment to the material world and alien frequencies, energies and vibrations the ruling elite’s entrainment technologies bombard us with daily.

We have free will; we can develop our own vision, motives and intention for our lives, our community and the world.  We do not have to acquiesce to perpetual war, economic apartheid or militarism. We can call upon our ancestral energies/spirits for help. We can use trance and meditation to raise our consciousness, align ourselves and resonate with higher frequencies. Ancient mystics, Alchemists, Shaman, Medicine Men and Women have shown us how for millennia. It is possible.

 We can choose ascension over bondage. Do not subsidize you own enslavement!  Cutback on media consumption, do not allow the ruling class and their monopoly corporate mind control apparatus to set lower frequencies and tones that lobotomize and anesthetize us, that keep us in a constant state of fear, anxiety and covetousness for the things of the material world that they build to break in a few years so you have to buy more. This is a matter of life and death, choose life!




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